Talee orthosis
Talee orthosis
Invent Medical Group, s.r.o.
The picture shows a mother and her child wearing Talee, the most advanced remoulding orthosis for the treatment of skull deformities. The managers of Invent Medical plan to incorporate smart sensors in these devices for the smallest children as well as features that are still unprecedented in the healthcare (unlike the industry).
The Invent Medical Group s.r.o. was formed as a spin-off of the family-owned ING Corporation. It is a technology company now, based at the Moravian-Silesian Innovation Centre in Ostrava, next to the University Hospital and the National Supercomputing Centre. It is well on its way to becoming a global leader in customised orthotic and prosthetic devices.
This Czech company, which already has an office in the USA and continues to expand, uses a mix of state-of-the-art technologies such as proprietary software, algorithms, 3D scanning and 3D printing. And thanks to the 3D print, the company is able to serve its clients anywhere in the world, as digital data knows no boundaries.
Copyright 2020