The Concept of the Autonomous Tram
The Concept of the Autonomous Tram
Škoda Group
URBI is the result of a thesis looking at how new technologies and autonomous driving systems might affect the shape of public transport in the future. Populations will grow, especially in large cities, and we will need to ensure that there is a convenient and accessible public transport network system as a sustainable alternative to the car. Prague can boast of an extensive network of track infrastructure, so the final choice fell on the tram. A fleet of small autonomous trams would create a dynamic system, better able to adapt to changes in traffic or numbers of passengers. A vehicle without a driver‘s cab provides a better view of the city as well as more space for passengers.
The vehicle is powered by batteries that are recharged at stops. Free roof space is covered with solar cells which, for example, can help power air conditioning. Interactive information screens help passengers to find their way around and keep track of stops. Tilting panels with the line number above the door also simplify orientation, especially on the boarding island, where it is often difficult to identify the tram number. The vehicle’s distinctive headlight is a characteristic feature and also communicates visually with passers-by. This project was developed together with ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION.
Foto: Tomáš Chludil

Copyright 2020