The Electron source in an Electron Microscope
In an electron microscope, the cathode in effect a tiny bulb that emits electrons instead of light. These electrons then pass through different parts of the microscope, where they are directed and focused onto the sample we wish to examine. Since the electron beam has a shorter wavelength than light waves, we are able to distinguish smaller details with an electron microscope than with a light microscope. The most powerful ones can even visualize individual atoms.
The image with its radiant colors looks somewhat like an abstract painting. The colors themselves were carefully added during post-production to enhance visual contrast. Upon closer examination, we can distinguish the regular structure, which is the result of technical precision during its manufacture. A precisely shaped cathode tip is crucial for the proper functioning of the entire microscope.
Companies and scientific institutions around the world in a wide range of industries – from materials research to semiconductor chip manufacture and other important applications – rely on TESCAN microscopes to uncover details not seen till now. The TESCAN GROUP has over 750 employees in 12 locations around the globe. The company's headquarters, R&D and production with more than 450 employees is located in Brno – the worldwide hub of electron microscopy.
Photo: Scientific photographer Stefan Diller, who uses the TESCAN electron microscope in his work

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